BoD Meeting

Date: 10/03//2006

Time: 7:45 PM – 8:45 PM

Place: Steve Acuff Residence

Meeting called by: Steve Acuff Type of meeting: Appointment of new officers
Facilitator: Lindsey Sturkie/Steve Acuff Note taker: Steve Acuff
Timekeeper: Steve Acuff Attendees: Patrick Hedgepath, Chad Keller, Brian Paulen, Lindsey Sturkie, Steve Acuff , Joe Alexander


Agenda item: Conduct of meeting
Presenter: Chad Keller/ Lindsey Sturkie
Discussion: Conducting meeting by Roberts Rule- It was determined that Lindsey understood Roberts Rule. Steve mentioned the BYLAWS state that a meeting is to be conducted by Roberts Rule OR any other means decided by the Board. In addition, Joe was asked if he understood the Roberts Rules and stated yes.
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Conclusions: Tabled pending further information on Roberts Rule
Action items:
  • None
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: Not Discussed
    Agenda item: Appointment of officers in accordance with Annual election results
    Presenter: Steve Acuff
    Discussion: Discussed ways to appoint new officers, Lindsey produced a ballot to use -- New Officers were elected by the BoD members -- President, VP, Secretary, Treasure. It was also decided to keep the Secretary and Treasure as 2 different officers.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: President- Lindsey Sturkie  3 yes votes 1 no vote  1 none vote, - VP Chad Keller 3 Yes votes 2 no votes,- Secretary Patrick Hedgepath 5 yes votes, -Treasure Brian Paulen, 5 Yes Votes
    Action items:
  • All officers in place  Meeting to be continued by new President
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: Next Election Sept 2007
    Agenda item: Computer files for billing, program developed by Joe Alexander
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey presented to Joe the option of them being turned over to the Board. Joe is willing to negotiate by fee only.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: To be discussed at next weeks meeting
    Action items:
  • to be decided at next weeks meeting
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 10/10/2006
    Agenda item: Longs Pond Web Site
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey presented to Joe the option of this being turned over to the Board. Joe is willing to negotiate by fee only
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: To be discussed at next weeks meeting
    Action items:
  • to be decided at next weeks meeting
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 10/10/2006
    Agenda item: Monthly Board Meeting
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey would like to hold Monthly Board meetings to be held the Second Tuesday of each month. These meetings will be held at Lindsey's residents and closed to the public.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: 3 yes 2 abstention votes
    Action items:
  • Monthly meeting to be held at Lindsey's house
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: second Tuesday of each month
    Agenda item: Lot 9 violation notice
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: Patrick requested information on where the legal rights stood with this home owner. Joe updated members on a letter signed by all parties at last previous election. Homeowner has until  10/07/06 to bring violation into compliance.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: To be followed up after 10/8/06
    Action items:
  • Pending fines and penalties
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 10/10/06
    Agenda item: Signing over all legal documentation to new president
    Presenter: Joe Alexander
    Discussion: Joe requested all legal documents be filled immediately- Bank, Legal agent, State incorporation, Insurance, etc  the new President is ultimately responsible for all legal documentation.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no votes
    Action items:
  • Joe and Lindsey to meet Thursday 10/05/06 to complete
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 10/10/2006
    Agenda item: Vacant Lot Committee
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Decided who would chair the vacant lot committee
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Steve Acuff to chair the vacant lot committee
    Action items:
  • none
  • Person responsible: Steve Acuff
    Deadline: N/A
    Agenda item: Secretary Minutes Transfer
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: The old minutes need to be transferred to the new secretary.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Steve Acuff will give the previous secretary minutes to Patrick Hedgepath.
  • Lindsey Sturkie will get the other minutes from Joe Alexander.
  • Person responsible: Steve Acuff and Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 10/10/2006